Colonists Leaving England For Jamestown


Stock #:147171
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
Publisher: The Jamestown Amusement & Vending Co., Inc.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Landing of the Maidens at Jamestown. The early voyagers to far off Virginia were simply men adventuring to seek their fortune, which they hoped to acquire quickly and return to England. This was not the spirit that founds new commonwealths, and it became apparent that unless Virginia was looked upon as home with wife and children to brighten it, the enterprise would mis-carry. In 1619 ninety young women of unexceptionable character, who had volunteered for the purpose, arrived at Jamestown from England. Singular features of the arrangement were that the husband was to repay the cost of their outfit and passage in tobacco, 120 pounds, amounting to about $80, and a proclamation of the Governor that young women, who betrothed themselves to more than one lover at a time would be severely punished. Happy marriages followed the arrival, and the establishment of real homes proved the plan to be a great success.

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