Tujague's Restaurant


Stock #:208067
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: New Orleans
State: Louisiana (LA)
County: Orleans
Publisher: Curt Teich & Co.
Postmark: 1967 Feb-11
Postmark City: New Orleans
Postmark State: LA
Stamp: 5c
Philatelic Notes: support your local science fair cancel
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Mr & Mrs. Charles Miller
1733 1/2 - 30th St
Rock Island, IL 61201
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French Cuisine Open 7 Days 823 Decatur St. New Orleans, LA. P. Guichet Mrs. J. Castet Established 1856 (Over 108 Years) Visit Famous Tujague's Restaurant Established 1856 823 Decatur Street - 523-9462 - 593-9760 New Orleans, La. Opposite historic French Market, and only a block away from Jackson Square is a modest brick building over 108 years old (originally a Spanish Arsenal) on the downtown corner of Decatur and Madison streets. It was there, a hundred eight years ago, that a distinctive restaurant was established, prinicipally as an accommodation for the husky butchers from the French Market who went there for their second breakfast at eleven. The sturdy building still stands. Today it is called Tujague's - Where you Dine en Famille - Where Orleanians and Visitors alike come back time after time to enjoy our superb French Cuisine

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