Sea Breeze Motel


Stock #:318815
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Miami Beach
State: Florida (FL)
County: Miami-Dade
Publisher: Curt Teich & Co.
Postmark: 1963 Mar-4
Postmark City: Miami Beach
Postmark State: Florida
Stamp: 4c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Mr & Mrs George Trafton
St. Stephens RFD
New Brunswick, NB
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16151 Collins Ave. Tastefully decorated bedrooms and efficiencies; telephone in every room; 100% air conditioned and heated; salt water swimming pool; 200 feet of private ocean beach; free TV in rooms; shuffleboard; ample free parking; spacious all grass patio; coffee shop - convenient to all shopping centers, golf courses, fishing, and night clubs. Phone: Wilson 7-3591

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