X-Ray Photo of Hitler's Brain


Stock #:411851
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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How good a phrenologist are you? Can you tell what each object in Hitler's head denotes? If not, see other side. Rat - has invaded and betrayed every country with which he had a peace pact; Matches - has burned art and literature; Powder Keg - has tried to blow civilization to pieces; Baby - wants more babies for cannon fodder; Gun - has a gun at the head of everyone in Europe; Pig - wants to hog the world; Butcher - wants to carve to pieces everyone who will not yield to him; Skeleton - brings death and destruction; Cannon - has slain innocent women and children; Haywire and Crack-Pot; Nut - fit subject for the bughouse

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