Through the courtesy of the Pyroil Company, La Crosse,
Wisconsin, I'm touring the country, visiting and entertaining
Hospitalized Veterans. I also entertain at USO Centers
and help sell War Bonds.
I am Jerry the talking dog-No foolin'-If you want proof
ask the service man who sent you this postcard. My job-
through the courtesy of Pyroil Company, La Crosse, Wiscon-
sin-is to visit veterans' hospitals and talk to hospitalized
boys and girls. I enjoy my work and the boys and girls enjoy
me. It's a cinch for me to bring a smile to their faces.
I do a lot of tricks too, smart tricks almost human. My vo-
cabulary is not big but here is what I do say, "I run"-
"I won't''-"No No"-"I want out"-"Mamma" and "I
want it".
For instance when I am asked what I do when the military
police gets after us, I reply "I run".
How are these for tricks? I scratch the boys' heads,-dial
a telephone,-take books out of a bookcase, although I will
admit I don't read.
Maybe you will be hearing about me from other places be-
cause I am always on the go, from one hospital to another.
If you want to know just where I am-write the Pyroil
Company for my present address.