How the United States honors its Naval Heroes. (Scene Nq. 1.) Bringing the bodies ashore.
5440-1 Published by The Rochester News Company, Rochester N Y.
Leipzig, Dresden.
On Wednesday, April 13th 1904 an explosion of two thousand pounds of powder in the after turret of the Battleship
"Missouri" instantly killed 27 men and 5 officers, while at target practice off the cost of Florida. The prompt and
efficient work of Captain Cowles and the heroism of Chief Gunner's Mate Monson, saved the ship from destruction.
Monson jumped into the powder magazine, shutting the door after him thereby enabling it to be flooded. After the
danger was over Monson was pulled out almost dead. The scenes attending the funeral of the dead heroes, at Pensa-
cola, Florida is shown in a series of 6 cards.
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