December, 1964
Once again we pause, taking extra time to think of friends, old
and new... taking time to send greetings, ever warm and sincere!
Another wonderful summer at Stonehurst is in the past, with our
many fine guests and staff going their individual winter paths and
with ourselves back in our Hanover home. Fred, a Junior in High
School, is our only one with us now... and he was the only one at
Stonehurst during the summer, helping us in many valuable ways,
before taking off for the World's Fair and Soccer Camp in late
August. Martha traveled to Mexico under the Experiment in Inter-
national Living, and had just a marvelous experience living with
the Lopez family and their 8 children and cousins in Guadalajara
and later touring with the other members of the group. She left
in September to join the Freshman class at Lake Erie College in
Painesville, Ohio. Presently she and Fred are busy with skiing
and the Holiday round of activities.
Ruth and Mey Armstrong are still in Ridgefield, Connecticut.
They spent Thanksgiving deer hunting with friends in northern
New Hampshire, while we had a chance to really get acquainted
with little Meylert, almost 2. They brought back Christmas trees,
but no o