Sandoe's Fruit Market

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $14.95

Stock #:1026569
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Biglerville
State: Pennsylvania (PA)
County: Adams
Publisher: Diehl Studio
Chester Litho, Inc.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Publisher's Series #: C-20239
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Additional Details:
1/2 Mile North of Biglerville, Pa. on Route 34.
In the Heart of Pa. Fruit Belt.
Home-grown Fruits and Vegetables.
Approximate dates of harvest.
Strawberries -- May 25 to June 20.
Raspberries -- June 20 to July 15.
Sweet Cherries -- June 1 to July 4.
Plums -- July 15 to Sept. 15.
Peaches -- Varieties:
Red Haven-July 15 to 25.
Golden Jubilee-July 25 to August 10.
Triogem-Aug. 5 to 15.
Sun High, Hale Haven, South Haven-Aug. 10 to 20.
Belle of Georgia, Elberta, J. H. Hale & White Hale-Aug. 25 to Sept. 25.
Apples -- Varieties:
Yellow Transparent-July 1 to July 30.
Summer Rambo-Aug. 15 to Sept. 1.
Smokehouse & Jonathan-Sept. 1 to Sept. 30.
Stark Delicious & Yellow Delicious-Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.
Stayman and York Imperial-Oct. 15 to Nov. 1.
Complete Line of Dutch Oven Bread and Pastry.

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