
White Court Motel

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $14.95

Stock #:1026803
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Limon
State: Colorado (CO)
County: Lincoln
Publisher: Western Color Sales
Postmark: 1971 Jun-08
Postmark City: Limon
Postmark State: CO
Stamp: 8 cents US Postage
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Publisher's Series #: S28291
Recipient Address:Mr & Mrs Millard Lloyd
1243 E. Maple St
York, PA 17403
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The front of the card shows a view of the White Court Motel. The back of the card has a handwritten message: "Hi Everyone - we are 80 miles from Colorado Springs, we are all fine and every thing. A $15 so far, inc. Dixie's rain in Ohio, and Kansas, but only for a short time, it has been hot and real sunny - the bush pups so far. Blanche, David & Silas Tell mom & Mary ALSO"

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