Holdsworth Memorial Cottage, Westminster Encampment

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $15.95

Stock #:1028374
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Kerrville
State: Texas (TX)
County: Kerr
Postmark: 1939
Postmark City: Kerrville
Postmark State: TX
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.25" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Mr. W. H. Jameson
Jayton, TX

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The Holdsworth Memorial Cottage at the Westminster Encampment. The handwritten message on the back reads: "Dear Daddy, Thanks for your card. I still have the measch. It is so much fun receiving mail. I am having a gabe time. Will go home tomorrow -- and don't forget to spend the heat of the summer in the Heart o' the Hills. Love, June"

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