Cascade, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $15.95

Stock #:1032628
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: Brooklyn
State: New York (NY)
County: Kings
Publisher: The Hegeman Printing Co., New York
Published By The Hegeman Printing Co., New York. Printed In Germany.
Postmark: 1913
Postmark City: Brooklyn
Postmark State: NY
Stamp: 2c George Washington
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Publisher's Series #: 8044
Recipient Address:Mr. John L. Loggins

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A view of a cascade and bridge in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York. The handwritten message on the back reads:

Aug 7th 1913

Dear Arthur:

Have received your card thanking you. I am having quite a good time and am enjoying myself. These are large parks. I have not been to any yet of note, and am only visiting in the neighborhood. Will write again later. All well.


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