
Marunouchi Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $14.95

Stock #:1034429
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Tokyo
Country: Japan
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Cpl. Robt. H. Bradley
U.S. 53 100 515
Station Compliment
8031 - G.U. A.P.O. 317
% P.O. San Francisco - Calif.
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An illustration of the Marunouchi Hotel in Tokyo. The multi-story, light-colored building features a striped awning over the entrance. Several cars are parked along the street in front of the hotel. The message on the back reads, "Dear Bob - Arrived in Yokohama on Pres. Cleveland - but my friend, Miss Marion Nordstrom, will arrive on the Pres. Wilson in about a week or so. Try to contact her, as I will see her again, as I return on the 'Wilson' at Yokohama on my return to the states. Sorry to miss you. Can you meet Marguerite Nieriker?"

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