Elderly Woman Drinking Tea, Czech Poem
Additional Details:
An elderly woman with white hair, wearing a polka dot dress, sits in a wicker chair and sips tea from a teacup and saucer. A vase of flowers sits on the table beside her. A poem in Czech accompanies the image:
Matíčko, tys moje hvězda, jez se nikdy nekal, ktera svítí ve dne v noci v bezpečí i v úskalí. Hluboko v tvém srdci leží útěcha má přesladká: Ty jsi moje v celém světě nejkrásnější pohádka. (Translation: Mommy, you are my star, a lake that is never murky, which shines day and night in safety and in distress. Deep in your heart lies my sweetest comfort: You are my most beautiful fairy tale in the whole world.) |