Karel V. Rais, Czech Writer, Galerie Vynikajících Osobností

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $19.95

Stock #:1035195
Type: Postcard
Era: Real Photo
City: Prague
Country: Czechoslovakia
Artist: AP
Publisher: Arch. Vaněk
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Publisher's Series #: Serie I.
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Black and white portrait photograph of Karel V. Rais. He is wearing a dark suit and has a long white beard. His hands are clasped in front of him. The back of the postcard has Czech text describing Rais' life and works. It mentions his birth in 1859 and death in 1926, his love for the Podkrkonoší region, and his many writings, including "Horské obrazy", "Zapadlí", "O ztraceném štěstí", "Kališ", "Věra s košíkem", and "Pantáta Bezoušek". It also notes his fight against human hardness and injustice, which made him a national idol.

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