Postoloprty, Mírové náměstí, Town Hall with Clock Tower

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $19.95

Stock #:1035357
Type: Postcard
Era: Real Photo
City: Postoloprty
Country: Czechoslovakia
Publisher: Nakladatelství Orbis
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Publisher's Series #: F 12/29225

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View of Mírové náměstí (Peace Square) in Postoloprty. The prominent town hall with its clock tower is centered in the image. Shops and houses line the street, and a few people and a motorcyclist are visible. A large tree shades the right side of the street. The back of the postcard includes a description in Czech: "Dnešní Mírové náměstí v Postoloprtych, nad nímž se zvedá hranolová věž pseudorenesanční radnice, nepodává už žádné svědectví o tisícileté minulosti města. Prastarý název, o jehož výklad se vedly dlouhé spory, zaznamenal už Kosmas ve své slavné Kronice české." (Today's Peace Square in Postoloprty, above which rises the prismatic tower of the pseudo-Renaissance town hall, no longer bears any witness to the thousand-year history of the city. The ancient name, the interpretation of which has been the subject of long disputes, was recorded by Cosmas in his famous Czech Chronicle.)

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