Purifies the Blood,
Stimulates the Vital Functions, restores
and preserves Health, and infuses New
Life and Vigor throughout the whole system.
Prepared by Dr.J.CAyer & Co. Lowell, Mass.U.S.A.
Ayer's Compound Extract of Sar-
saparilla is a skilfully prepared combina
tion of the best vegetable alteratives and
blood purifiers.
It is composed of the Sarsaparilla root
of the tropics, well-known as an alterative
of great value, combined with Stillingia,
Yellow ock and Mandrake, all celebrated
for curative qualities. These, chemically
united with the Iodides of Potassium and
Iron, form a medicine of unsurpassed
power, the most efficient of all remedies
for scrofulous, mercurial and blood dis-
By our processes the medicinal principles of the several
ingredients are extracted in a manner which draws out and
renders available their entire virtues, producing a highly
concentrated extract, in which the various medicinal qualities
are combined in that nice proportion necessary to give each
its full healing and curative influence. Uniformly successful
and certain in its remedial effects, Ayer's Sarsaparilla
produces rapid and complete cures of Scrofula, Erysipelas,.
Salt Rheum, Tetter, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Sores, Boils,
Humors, Pim les, Ulcers, Tumors, Eruptions, and all scrofu-
lous disease and conditions. For all diseases arising from
the impurity or deficient vitality of the blood, or from
mercurial poison, it is a powerful, safe and certain remedy.
By its invig ating and purifying effects it always relieves
and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and
Irregularities, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Jar ice, Dyspepsia,
Emaciation and General Debi ity. It stir tes and enlivens
the vital functions, promote energy 1 strength, and in-
fuses new life and vigor thro hout whole system. In
renovating the blood it clear 1 quickens the intellect, and
thus gives to both mind an ly the po er of long-sus-
tained, arduous and succes al effort For th cur f the
disorders, lassitude and debility pecu to the Spring, t has
proved to be the best remedy ever de ed, neutralizing the
poisons in the blood, and restoring the vigor of health
When you are sick, the best m licine that can
e ob-
tained is none too good, and is the cheapest, whatever i costs.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine of such concentrated
e power that it is by far the most economical and
relia nedicine that can be used, while it is entirely safe
for p s of all ages. Physicians know its composition and
pres it in their practice. It has been widely used for
forty and has won the unqualified confidence of multi-
tudes who pronounce it in the household A Real Blessing.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell,
Mass., U. S. A.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine.