Woman Suffrage Stove Polish Advertisement Postcard

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $24.95

Stock #:1035786
Type: Trade Card
Publisher: Phoenix Mfg Co.
Druggists And Grocers
Size: 3" x 5" (7.5 x 12 cm)
Additional Details:
A young girl with long brown hair, wearing a pink dress with a white lace collar, sits with her arms folded on a green bolster. The back of the card lists "Twelve Good Reasons Why the Woman's Suffrage Stove Polish is Preferred to All Others": 1. Largest package. 2. Covers more surface. 3. Composed of pure East India Plumbago. 4. Cheaper than any other. 5. Free from objectionable silvery jet black. 6. Easily tarnished. 7. Durable. 8. Requires less labor. 9. Makes no dust. 10. No deleterious ingredient. 11. Polishes sheet-iron. 12. Handsome. "Hence, every woman wants it."

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