Hand-drawn Sketch of a House by the Water

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $25.95

Stock #:1036020
Type: Postcard
Artist: A. Wilson
Postmark: 1949
Postmark City: West Cheshire
Postmark State: Conn
Stamp: 1c Thomas Jefferson
Size: 3.25" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Mrs. Ruth E. Wibon
c/o Scout Camp Alice Merit
East Hartland, CT

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A charming hand-drawn sketch of a simple house situated near a body of water. Trees and foliage surround the house, creating a peaceful, rural setting. A handwritten message on the card reads: "Hi Willie! Yesterday was the best day yet, everything went fine. Sharon even had fun with Paine taking a bath. Looks like a good start for today. (Niceing them?). If not, why not! Love, Sharon & Frank."

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