Swedish American Line Cabin Hold Luggage Tag

 Price: $14.95

Stock #:1038121
Type: Luggage Tag
Size: 3.25" x 6.25" (9 x 16 cm)

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Luggage tag for the Swedish American Line. The front of the tag features a green border with three crowns at the top and "SAL" printed on the right. Below this is a large image of a ship, and at the bottom, it says "SWEDISH AMERICAN LINE PIER 97 NORTH RIVER FOOT OF WEST 57TH ST. NEW YORK CABIN - HOLD THIS TRUNK NOT ACCESSIBLE DURING VOYAGE". The back of the tag has fields for Name, Room, Berth, Ship, Sailing Date, Ticket No., and Destination. There's also a section labeled "IMPORTANT" with "TO BE FILLED IN BY PASSENGER FULL EUROPEAN ADDRESS:". Additional instructions regarding baggage acceptance and passenger check-in procedures are provided.

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