Watkins Vanilla Extract, Bake-Proofed, The Flavor Stays

 Price: $14.95

Stock #:1038149
Type: Blotter
Publisher: The Watkins Press
The J.R.Watkins Co.
Size: 3.5" x 6.25" (9 x 16 cm)
Publisher's Series #: AN902-932-500M-7354

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An advertisement for Watkins Vanilla Extract. The text reads: "EXTRA SUPERFINE QUALITY FROM CHOICEST VANILLA BEANS. For goodness' sake, buy Watkins—the world's largest selling Vanilla flavor. It is made from the finest, first-quality Vanilla beans like the one shown above. Naturally, the extract is the best. Words cannot deceive your taste nor put flavor into foods. For only a fraction of a cent more per recipe you get the delicious flavor of Watkins Vanilla and win the praise of your family for good cooking. Wait For Your Watkins Dealer—IT PAYS!"

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