The Highest Stack In The World


Stock #:103850
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: Great Falls
State: Montana (MT)
County: Cascade
Publisher: Chas. E. Morris Co.
Postmark: 1911 Sep-25
Postmark City: Phillips
Postmark State: MT
Stamp: 1C
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Mr Charley Parsons
Harrison, NE

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The Highest Stack in the world. B. & M. Smelter. This chimney is 506 feet in height. 16,000 tons of brick were used in its construction. The chimney is constructed engineeringly to stand a wind of 120 miles an hour. The stack weighs 34,000,000 lbs. 267,000,000 eggs could e placed in the chimney. It would require a hen laying an egg every day for 730,000 years to supply this number or if a hen had started to lay an egg a day when Adam was in the Garden of Eden 3,000 B. C., it would have the stack less than 1-100 part full now. The Washington Monument which is 50 feet square at the bottom and 20 feet square at the top, could be set inside this chimney without touching any wall, and there would still be room between the walls of the chimney and the monument to drive a span of horses from top to bottom. If railroad tracks, of standard gauge, were laid vertically on the inside of the stack about 14 feet centers, there would be room for 14 railroad trains 500 feet long.

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