Two Girls in Hot Air Balloon Basket, Heureuses Pâques

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $19.95

Stock #:1043609
Type: Postcard
Publisher: PARKS
Postmark: 1924
Postmark City: Chamely
Postmark State: OIS
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:M. et M. Lefevre

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Two young girls sit in a hot air balloon shaped like an egg. The girl on the left wears a pink dress, the girl on the right wears a blue dress. Both have bows in their hair. The girl on the left holds a basket of Easter eggs, the girl on the right holds a single egg. Text at top reads "Heureuses Pâques" (Happy Easter). Text at bottom reads "Recevez tous nos cadeaux les plus jolis, les plus beaux" (Receive all our gifts, the prettiest, the most beautiful). Scattered around the egg are more Easter eggs with the names of flavors printed on them: "Fraise" (Strawberry), "Pistache" (Pistachio), "Cerise" (Cherry), "Vanille" (Vanilla), "Abricot" (Apricot), "Rose Thé" (Rose Tea), "Praliné" (Praline), "Raisin" (Grape).

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