Little Girl Selling Flowers Under Umbrella, Bonne Fête

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $19.95

Stock #:1044614
Type: Postcard
Artist: Hanne Petersen
Postmark: 1931
Postmark City: Blankenberghe
Stamp: 7c Belgian Postage
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Additional Details:
A little girl, wearing a red dress and white pinafore, stands behind a flower stand holding a bouquet and a small watering can. She is sheltered by a green umbrella. The stand is filled with colorful flowers, including pink roses, purple violets, and white blossoms. A small watering can and shears are also visible. The message "Bonne Fête" (Happy Holiday) is written in gold at the bottom.

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