Two Women in Antique Car, Bonne Année, New Year Greeting

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $19.95

Stock #:1048257
Type: Postcard
Postmark: 1919 JAN-01
Postmark City: Bruxelles
Stamp: 5c, Belgium
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Mr Delforge
rue de la paix 38
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Vintage postcard featuring two elegantly dressed women in a vintage car. The woman in the driver's seat holds the steering wheel, while the other woman leans on her shoulder. A bouquet of flowers is placed between them. The car's design and the women's attire suggest a period setting. The top of the postcard reads "BONNE ANNÉE," French for "Happy New Year." The bottom border features a decorative pattern of mistletoe sprigs.

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