Children with Christmas Gifts and Tree - Vintage Holiday Scene

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $9.95

Stock #:1048428
Type: Postcard
Artist: Pauli Ebner
Postmark: 1928 DEC-28
Stamp: 8 fillér, Magyarország
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Nejedli Nini
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Four children stand outside a stone archway, embracing the Christmas spirit. Two older children carry gifts: a girl holds a small Christmas tree decorated with ornaments and candles, while a boy presents a wrapped gift labeled "Frohe Weihnacht" (Merry Christmas in German). A younger girl in a red coat clutches a doll, and another child holds a doll and a basket of holly. A partially built snowman can be seen in the background, adding to the wintery ambiance. The scene is framed by a decorative border with red ribbons and green garland.

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