Cherubic Angel with Flowers Adjusting Clock: Happy New Year

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $19.95

Stock #:1049009
Type: Postcard
Publisher: Tuck
Postmark: 1910
Postmark City: Taylor Ridge
Postmark State: ILL
Stamp: 1c Franklin
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Publisher's Series #: N9152
Recipient Address:Miss Maggie Blakley
Milan, ILL
Additional Details:
A cherubic, winged angel with flowing blond hair, draped in a light blue cloth, holds a small bouquet of flowers while playfully adjusting the hand of an ornate clock adorned with pink roses. The clock face is a unique blend of pink and blue, with gold Roman numerals. The backdrop features a winter scene with a church steeple visible in the distance. The message "A happy New Year." is inscribed at the bottom.

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