
Cherubic Angels Serenade Newborn in Cradle

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $19.95

Stock #:1049529
Type: Postcard
Publisher: REGRO
Postmark: 1922 Sep-22
Postmark City: Ge
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Publisher's Series #: 3440
Recipient Address:Madame Luc Delor
70 Avenue Albert
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A heartwarming depiction of a newborn baby nestled in a wicker cradle, serenaded by four cherubic angels. One angel holds a daisy, another plays a lute-like instrument, and a third presents a bouquet of roses. The cradle is adorned with pink ribbons and floral fabric. The scene evokes a sense of peace and joy, celebrating the arrival of the new baby.

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