
Moonlight Serenade: Romantic Couple, Mandolin Music, Floral Balcony

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $19.95

Stock #:1049822
Type: Postcard
Publisher: NR
Size: 3.25" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Publisher's Series #: 3628
Additional Details:
A man serenades a woman on a moonlit night. He plays a mandolin while seated, and she leans on a vine-covered balcony, reaching down towards him. Flowers bloom nearby, and the moon reflects in the water behind them. German text on the postcard reads, "Bei des Mondes Silberschein" (By the Moon's Silver Glow) and a verse: "Lausche meiner Mandoline, Lausche, Holde, meinem Sang! Lächelt huldvoll Deine Miene, Sei es mir der schönste Dank!" (Listen to my mandolin, listen, my dear, to my song! If your face smiles graciously, it is the most beautiful thanks to me!).

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