Mayo Bridge, No. 32 Foot of 14th Street


Stock #:105196
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Richmond
State: Virginia (VA)
County: Richmond (city)
Publisher: Southern Bargain House
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Beautiful and Historical Richmond, Va. Series. This handsome steel and concrete structure replaces the "old" Mayo bridge, over which the Confederate Army, defending Richmond, retreated, just before the evacuation and burning of the City in April, 1864. The new bridge begins at the south end of the 14th Street, and crossing the Mayo's Island, it joins the two portions of the City lying on the north and south banks of the James River, and furnishes an important traffic artery for the commercial life of the community. It was erected by the City of Richmond at a cost of $300,000,00 and completed and opened to the public in September, 1913. From abutment to abutment it has a length of 1,775 feet. Visitors to Paris will probably notice its resemblance to the famous Point Neuf," crossing the Seine near Notre Dame.

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