
Hong Kong Tram on Des Voeux Road, Opposite Hongkong & Shanghai Bank

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $25.95

Stock #:1052867
Type: Postcard
City: Hong Kong
Country: China
Postmark: 190?
Postmark City: Troy
Postmark State: N.Y.
Stamp: 4c Hong Kong
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Miss George Van Aelstyne
Troy, N.Y.
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A Hong Kong tram travels down Des Voeux Road, opposite the Hongkong & Shanghai Bank building. The bank building is partially obscured by scaffolding and construction. Pedestrians walk along the sidewalks, and a woman carries baskets on a pole across her shoulders in the foreground. Flags and banners decorate the buildings along the street.

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