Moonhaw, Wittenberg Park, Catskill Mountains

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $15.95

Stock #:1054774
Type: Postcard
Era: Undivided Back
City: Catskill
State: New York (NY)
County: Greene
Postmark: 1907 Aug-13
Stamp: 1c Franklin
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Mr. & Mis. Am. Biermann
229 Hambung Ave,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Additional Details:
Glen of the Wittenberg. "It seems to me I'd like to go
Where bells don't ring, nor whistles blow,
Nor clocks don't strike, nor gongs don't sound,
And I'd have stillness all around."

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