Remember now the Sabbath day;
It's holy you should know;
The seventh day was sanctified,
And this the la w doth show.
Christ made the world in just six days,
The Sabbath then He blest;
It's now a sign which God we serve,
This day on which we rest.
Ex. 20: 8
Ex. 31:15
Gen. 2:3
Ex. 20:11
John 1:1, 8, 10, 14
Ex. 20:11
Eze. 20:12, 16, 20
Ex 31: 13-18
Now "one" will think to change the time Dan. 7:25
And thereby change God's law;
He will succeed to trample truth,
Yes, that's what Daniel saw.
The path to life is God's commands,
Eternal, pure and good;
The "Man of Sin" dared change this law,
Yes, prophets said He would.
But in God's time His chosen ones
Will then restore the breach,
By keeping the true Sabbath day
And all ten precepts teach.
Dan. 8: 24, 25
Dan. 8: 12
Dan. 7:21. Ps. 119-126
Ps. 119: 1, 10, 321
Ps. 119: 142, 160
Isa. 59: 12-15
Mal.2:7,8,17 Ps 1203,4
Isa. 61:4
Isa. 58:12
Isa. 58:13
Ex. 16:28-30
The ten commands were given by Christ John 1:13.7014
From Sinai's lofty height;
He came in flesh to live the law
And prove to us 'twas right.
This holy day was set apart
Before this earth knew sin.
We know the very day to rest,
The hour it should begin
The "Holy city" was destroyed,
Which would have stood for aye,
If man had only always kept
God's "Holy Sabbath" day.
Christ left command, to pray for help,
To keep the Sabbath right;
And those who say. He changed the day
Are nothing in His sight.
God writes His law within the heart
Of those who will obey;
When sin is o'er these still will meet
With Christ each Sabbath day.
Neh. 9:6 13-14
Ps. 40:7, 8
Ps. 119:151,172
1 John 2:3-6. 31:13-17
Gen. 2:2, 3
Ex. 34:21
Lev. 23:32. Deut. 16:6
Jer. 17:27, 23
Jer. 17:24, 25
Eze. 22:26-28
Num. 15:30-40
Matt. 24:16
Matt. 24:20
Eze. 22:26-28
Matt. 15: 9. James 2:10
Heb. 10:16
John 7:16, 17
Isa. 56:4, 5
Isa. 66:22, 23
25 Scripture
JUN 14
Samples 10c.
S. H. LO Underwood Block, Calgary, Albert
$5.00 per 1000
Mr. Da bers
Friday morning
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Glitter or long. hope you enjoyed you
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