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Williamsburg, Virginia. Home of John Marshall when a student at the College of
William and Mary in 1779, and afterwards Chief Justice of the United States
Pub. by H. D. Cole, News Dealer, Williamsburg, Va.
of John Marshall when a student at
the College of William and Mary in
1779, and afterwards Chief Justice of
the United States. Also the home of
John Blair, Sr., President of the Coun-
cil of Virginia and Acting Governor 4
of the Colony, and of his son, John
Blair, Jr., who was appointed by Presi-
dent George Washington on the first
Supreme Court of the United States, E
and who served from 1789 to 1796.
Also the home of Professor Ro An-
drews, son-in-law of Judge Blair. The
stone steps were imported from Eng-
land and were first used at the first
theatre in America, erected here in