Pitt Chicago Prints for framing
Dear Fred,
We've had a nice time
in Chicago. My paper went
very well. We were on the
Donahue Show, and both
asked a question, Well let
You know when it will air
in Rochester. We also sow
Niel Simon's Brighton Beach Memoirs
and the Alum Arley Ballet.
Love Mother & Dad.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Burnham Harbor, McCormick Place
and McCormick Inn. McCormick Place is the most mo-
dern and complete exposition center of all time
anyplace in the world. Containing 212 million square
feet, it serves the Chicagoland Community and its
visitors as a meeting and gathering place for all.
Photo by ALPHA
Pub. by PITT SOUVENIRS, INC., 1952 Raymond Dr., Northbrook, Illinois 60062
(312) 321-9227
United States 13c
Mr. Fred H. Rollins
50 Catherine St.
Lyons, N.Y.
Insist on genuine Pitt Chicago Prints by PITT SOUVENIRS your assurance of quality