
Diana Postel Recent Paintings Exhibition Announcement

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $14.95

Stock #:1061179
Type: Postcard
Era: Continental Chrome
City: New York
State: New York (NY)
Postmark: 2001 AUG-17
Postmark City: Westchester
Postmark State: NY
Stamp: USA21
Size: 4" x 6" (10.25 x 15.25 cm)
Recipient Address:R Johnson
53 Market
Ellenville, NY 12428
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An announcement for an exhibition of recent paintings by Diana Postel at Synchronicity Fine Arts in New York City. The exhibition ran from September 11 to October 6, 2001, with an opening reception on Tuesday, September 11 from 5:30-7:30 pm. The postcard features a reproduction of one of Postel's paintings, "Red Roses & Daisies", an oil on linen painting measuring 40" x 44".

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