Villa Bianca Catering Hall, Flushing, NY

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $14.95

Stock #:1061253
Type: Postcard
Era: Continental Chrome
City: Flushing
State: New York (NY)
County: Queens
Postmark: 1983 APR-20
Postmark City: Smithtown
Postmark State: NY
Stamp: 13c Crazy Horse
Size: 3.75" x 6" (10 x 15.25 cm)
Recipient Address:Mrs. Rose Slutson
San Jose, CA 95129
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Additional Details:
Dine and entertain graciously "a la Villa Bianca" in our delightful and spacious banquet hall placed in a beautiful Italian garden setting. Serving the finest in continental cuisine, at moderate prices. Ask about our catering service.

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