Aerial View of Devils Lake and the Oregon Coast

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $14.95

Stock #:1061257
Type: Postcard
Era: Continental Chrome
City: Lincoln City
State: Oregon (OR)
County: Lincoln
Artist: Bernie McNeil
Publisher: Mastichrome By Colourpicture
Postmark: 1972 AUG-11
Postmark City: North Bend
Postmark State: WA
Stamp: 6c United States
Size: 4" x 6" (10.25 x 15.25 cm)
Recipient Address:Mr.&Mrs. Gordon M. Turner
4125 Jackdaw St
San Diego, Calif 92103
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Drove by the Lileys at 7:30pm tonight. Staying in a motel just below them. It appears they are out for the evening - maybe we'll catch them later. Oregon coast is truly beautiful - none the fog today, which is about norm!! We ate by the ocean so the kids could get wet feet and run around a bit. Ed & Marolyn's polished rock collecting impressed us so that we'll be coming home with some to shine up. Stopped to look at an art show - high prices. Milk tonight was 69¢/gal! Onto Tillamook and Rain Forest and Sequim tomorrow.

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