
Watch My Dust, Phileas Fogg!

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $14.95

Stock #:1061360
Type: Postcard
Era: Continental Chrome
Artist: Ann Rusnak
Stamp: US10c
Size: 4" x 6" (10.25 x 15.25 cm)
Recipient Address:Max Toorop
Box 4293
San Leandro, CA 94579
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Could Phileas Fogg have gone around the world in 80 days as Jules Verne wrote? New York reporter Nellie Bly followed his route in just 72 days, returning to New York Jan 25, 1890. They could make a TV adventure series out of Nellie's career. In search of stories she got committed to an asylum, traveled thru Mexico, and worked a week as a chorus girl. Many men proposed. She eventually married a millionaire.

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