Historical Elmhurst, #15 F. & A. M


Stock #:106814
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Connersville
State: Indiana (IN)
County: Fayette
Publisher: Robert E. Stoops
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Elmhurst, one of the most historical and beautiful sights in Fayette County, Indiana, situated on the west side of White Water Valley along the banks of what was the old white Water Canal, was started in 1831 by the Honorable Oliver H. Smith, member of Congress. It was then owned by the Honorable Caleb B. Smith, member of congress and later Secretary of Interior under President Lincoln, also a Grand Master of Masons of Indiana. In 1841 it was purchased by Honorable Samuel W. Parker, member of congress, 1851-1855. Parker beautified the grounds and planted many of the present trees. He also paneled the rooms in cherry and oak at a cost of $44,000.00 at that time. In 1881 James N. Huston obtained the property through foreclosure. He entertained President Benjamin Harrison and his first wife, Caroline Scott Harrison. During Huston's ownership the building was extensively remodeled and is now known as the Little White House of Indiana. In 1909 Elmhurst School of Girls was established. Purchased by Warren Lodge #15 in October 1939, Elmhurst was dedicated by Grand Lodge officers on the 22nd of February 1941.

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