10-The Hermitage, Home of Preşident Andrew Jackson, near Nashville, Tenn.
The Hermitage, the Home of President
Andrew Jackson, situated twelve miles from
Nashville, has been called the Mt. Vernon of
the South. Through the Ladies Hermitage
Association, the handsome old estate has been
preserved and appears just as it did in the
days of "Old Hickory." The architecture is
colonial, the verandas are wide and long, and
the rooms are large and spacious. The origi-
nal Hermitage was built in 1804 of logs and
part of it is still standing. In 1805 Aaron Burr
was entertained in this log house. It was to
this log house also that General Jackson re-
turned, the conquering hero and idol of the
nation, after the Battle of New Orleans. The
present mansion was built in 1819. General
Lafayette was entertained at the Hermitage in
1825, and President Roosevelt visited there in
1907. In the yard are the graves of Andrew
Jackson and his wife and other members of
the family.