Chicago Temple (First Methodist)
3 B-H153
located in the heart of the Loop (Clark and
Washington Streets) is the world's tallest
church. The spire flood-lighted at night, is one
of Chicago's most inspiring sights. The cross
is 568 feet above the street. The Deagan Caril-
lon is heard throughout the downtown area.
Offices occupy the upper 19 stories; 7,000
people pass through the doors daily.
• First Church is Chicago's oldest church, hay-
ing occupied its present site for 104 years.
The air-conditioned, sound-proof sanctuary is
on the main floor. The organ is one of
America's largest and finest instruments.
• Each week at least 30 states are repre-
sented in the large attendance at the Sunday
Services (11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.) Dr. Charles
Ray Goff is the minister.
Visitors are always welcome