Mounted Troup Cavalry


Stock #:11991
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: Fort Riley
State: Kansas (KS)
County: Riley
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Additional Details:
Fort Riley is located in the northeast section of Kansas. It is one of the oldest and largest posts in the United States. It was established May 5th 1855. There are about 2,500 troops stationed at the post. In the post is located an artillery school. It is considered the best post in the country for artillery practice, being crosed by a river and hilly

Reviews, Comments & Questions:

  • 2005-12-20 14:31:57 -
    where can I find a manual covering Mounted Drill and Ceremonies?
    I would like to start Cavalry Unit here in Crossville Tn.
    AThomas LTC
    USAR Retired

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