Art Museum, Library Square

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $4.95

Stock #:122970
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: Springfield
State: Massachusetts (MA)
County: Hampden
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Famous the world over for the valuable art collection of George Walter Vincent Smith. The Art Museum is an institution famed not only in this country, Just throughout European capitals and the far East. This is because it houses the invaluable art collection of George Walter Vincent Smith. At the age of 18 Mr. Smith began to acquire beautiful examples o art, and since his retirement from business at 35 his life has been devoted to the cultivation of the art scene, and the accumulation of a marvelous collection of art works from all parts of the world, a considerable part of which are now in the Art Museum. This building in Italian Renaissance style is one of the most beautiful examples of befitting architecture in the country. Along its frieze are wrought in metal letters the names to great artists, and for the first time in the history of the world, the names of Japanese artists rank with those of Europe. In all this work, interior and exterior, Mr. Smith's taste was a governing factor. Public Spirited citizens of Springfield contributed $140,000 toward the erection of this noble home of art. Springfield people are justly proud of it.

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