State Capitol


Stock #:130732
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Nashville
State: Tennessee (TN)
County: Davidson
Publisher: Capitol News Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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The grounds upon which the Capitol stands were purchased by the city of Nashville from Geo. W. Campbell for $30,000 and presented to the State December, 1843, and are perhaps the most beautiful site for a capitol building in the world, being in the center of the city and 197 feet above the level of the Cumberland River. Grading the grounds was begun January 1, 1844; the cornerstone was laid July 4, 1845; the building was completed March 19, 1859. The Capitol is entirely of Tennessee material, and is fireproof. The building is a parallelogram, 112 x 239 ft.; extreme height 206 ft. 7 in. total cost of building and grounds $1,500,000. Wm. Strickland was architect, and is entombed in the wall of the northern portico. President James k. Polk and wife are buried in the grounds. A fine bronze statue of General Jackson adorns the grounds on east side of Capitol.

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