
Swift & Company's Chicago Plant


Stock #:131426
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Chicago
State: Illinois (IL)
County: Cook
Postmark: 1951 Nov-18
Postmark City: Chicago
Postmark State: Ill
Stamp: 1C
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:New York

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Swift & Company's Chicago Plant is located in Packing town (background). Here also is the famous Union Stock Yards which are owned and operated independent of any meat packing company. Hello: We're seeing swift & Company and the world famed Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Each market day, Swift buyers across the nation pay more than $5,000,000 for livestock and other agricultural products. Swift competes twice daily with thousands of other meat packers - first, buying livestock; again selling the meat. Swift Visitors tours every 30 minutes from 8 A. M. until 2:30 P. M. Monday through Friday. Time: 1½ hours.

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