A Magic Carpet For Industry


Stock #:131984
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
Postmark City: Providence
Postmark State: R. I
Stamp: 1C
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Heu's Manfacturing Co.
128 North Main St.
Providence, RI

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Market forge portable conveyor. Combines great strength and light weight - weighs only 50# for 10 length. It is the most efficient and economical method of loading and unloading freight cars, motor trucks and transferring parts between operations. Both sides may be used - one side for narrow packages - the other side for wide packages. Ideal for cartons, boxes, crates, parts, bricks, blocks, bags, etc., Market Forge Company (Materials handling since 1897) produces an excellent line of Casters Running Gear, Floor Trucks, Lift Trucks, Skid Platforms, Semi-Skids and Jacks. Ask your distributor for full details. Distributors: Materials handling Equipment Fostoria Infrared Equipment Ransburg Electrostatic Processes Electronic Heating Generators Freeman Industrial Service Incorporated 450 North Main Street. Providence R. I. Telephone Union 1810.

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