Elimod Engine Co. Nell. House on Greenwich St., Providence, R.
Published by R. WILKINSON, 55 Eddy St., Providence, R. I.
8 in.; stroke, 8 in.
Second size La France Piston Engine, built in
Diameter of pump, 4% in.; steam-cylinder,
Placed in service at Station 11,
Jan. 6, 1906. Drawn by two horses, and weighs,
ready for service, 9,000 lbs.
Also Combination Wagon, built as hose-wagon in
1895. Changed to a combination wagon in 1904.
Drawn by two horses and is equipped with rubber
tires and roller-bearing axles. Carries 800 ft. of
2-in. hose and 200 ft. of 4-in. hose. Is equipped
with one 22-gal. tank and weighs, ready for service,
4,530 lbs. Placed in service as hose-wagon May 18,
1895; as combination wagon Dec. 30, 1904.
Company consists of 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 5 Hose-
men, 1 Engine-Man, 1 Asst. Engine-Man, 1 Hose-
Driver. 1 Engine-Driver.