
Get It There In The Nickof Time


Stock #:137431
Type: Postcard
Era: Continental Chrome
Publisher: USPS
Size: 4.25" x 6" (11 x 15.25 cm)
Additional Details:
Late holiday shoppers, fear not. Your post office has two terrific ways to get your package there on time. Without taking a big nick out of your holiday budget. Express Mail overnight service is just $12.00 for a 2-lb. Pak, $8.75 for 8 oz. And we deliver every day of the year at no extra charge. Even on Christmas. But is this your only option with us? Nix. Priority Mail gives you two-day delivery between major markets, three days elsewhere. It's just $2.40 for up to 2 lbs. So put your package in our hands, and nothing can stop it. Neither sleet, nor snow, nor rain, dear.

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