Private Beach
4513 So. Ocean Blvd.
Delray Beach, Fla.
Phone CR 6-7987
AAA On the Ocean
Furnished apartments and hotel rooms delight-
fully situated on high ground. Individually con-
trolled air-conditioning and electric heat. High-
way A1A four miles south of Delray Beach on
the Florida Gold Coast.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Arthur Jones, Jr.,
Raton, Florida
Dear Mr. Browning: Hope the enclosed is of interest. You
are sure to like our attractively furnished apart-
ments. They have full twin size, comfortable beds;
kitchens, with eating space, are seperate rooms, (not
just efficiency type), and fully equipped. We're on the
ocean, with private beach; algo, there are many nice eat-
ing places, as well as complete shopping centers in the
area, all within a few moments drive from BEACH TERRACE
It would be nice having you with us in June, and we
look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you short-
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