a Dog's Prayer
O LORD OF HUMANS, make my master
faithful to his fellowmen as I am to him.
Grant that he may be devoted to his friends
and family as I am to him.
MAY HE BE openfaced and undeceptive
as I am; may he be true to trust reposed
in him as I am to his.
GIVE HIM a face cheerful like unto my
wagging tail. Give him a spirit of gratitude
like unto my licking tongue.
FILL HIM WITH patience like unto mine
that awaits his footsteps uncomplainingly
for hours. Fill him with my watchfulness,
my courage, and my readiness to sacrifice
comfort or life itself.
KEEP HIM always young in heart and
crowded with the spirit of play, even as I.
MAKE HIM as good a man as I am a dog.
Make him worthy of me, his dog.
• By Will Judy
• This is #3
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